Thinking about the types of audience i wanted to aim my thriller at was fairly simple.
This is Justin, he is 21. He leads a considerably average lifestyle, he has a job and 2 cats. In his spare time he likes to listen to heavy metal and drum and base music but also likes to mix it up and occasionally listen to Classic.fm. He has a varied interest in the types of TV and film, but he particularly enjoys films of a much darker, more stimulating nature.
He specifically likes films of a thriller nature. If Justin had the time, he would spend much more of it looking into the thriller genre but, while he doesn't he enjoys watching these films and films of a surrounding nature and getting his mind around the challenging plots.
Justin is likely to connect well with the male dominance that is shown by the characters in my film as it shows the men as much stronger more powerful characters. The soundtrack of my thriller is something that may also being something that he may enjoy, especially considering his preferences.
As he likes films that are seemingly dark, he would also enjoy my film for the bleak open spaces used which create a much more immersing experience for him.
Thinking about the types of audience i wanted to aim my thriller at was fairly simple.
This is Justin, he is 21. He leads a considerably average lifestyle, he has a job and 2 cats. In his spare time he likes to listen to heavy metal and drum and base music but also likes to mix it up and occasionally listen to Classic.fm. He has a varied interest in the types of TV and film, but he particularly enjoys films of a much darker, more stimulating nature.
He specifically likes films of a thriller nature. If Justin had the time, he would spend much more of it looking into the thriller genre but, while he doesn't he enjoys watching these films and films of a surrounding nature and getting his mind around the challenging plots.
Justin is likely to connect well with the male dominance that is shown by the characters in my film as it shows the men as much stronger more powerful characters. The soundtrack of my thriller is something that may also being something that he may enjoy, especially considering his preferences.
As he likes films that are seemingly dark, he would also enjoy my film for the bleak open spaces used which create a much more immersing experience for him.
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